The first person who discovered microorganism was a Dutch merchant Anton Van Leeuwenhoek. He named them as animalcules or little animals. Later scientific experiments helped to disprove the theory of spontaneous generation. Lewis Pasteur stated that microorganisms bring about chemical changes in organic infusions. The disease ‘late blight of potato’ which is responsible for Irish famine was due to fungus. Berkely identified that the disease causing organism of ‘late blight of potato’ is fungus. Brigerinck isolated nitrogen fixing bacteria like Azatobacter and Rhizobium. Winogradsky isolated sulpur and Iron bacteria.

The first antibiotic penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming. This antibiotic is produced by a fungus called pernicillium notatum. Waksman discovered the antibiotic called streptomycin from bacteria. Lederberg and Tatum discovered a type of sexual reproduction called conjugation in bacteria. Watson & Crick proposed a model for the structure of DNA which is called as ‘Double helical structure. Jacob and Monod proposed Operon Concept’ for explaining gene concept. Diener discovered viroids. Nerenberg and Koran proposed genetic code triplet code.


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