Some organisms are very small and can’t be seen with the unaided human eye. Hence these small and invisible organisms is called MICROBIOLOGY.

Organism with a diameter of 1mm or less are can’t be seen with the human eye. Hence these organisms are called after the invention of microscope. Traditionally microorganism had been included in Botany or Zoology. The present day biologists can’t agree with the inclusion of these microorganisms in Botany or Zoology because they exhibit greater diversity than plants or animals.

Classification of Microorganisms:

At present five groups of organisms are identified in micro organisms.

1. Bacteria
2. Viruses
3. Algae
4. Fungi
5. Protozoa.

Hence Microbiology has been classified into five branches.

(1) Viruses : These are acellular, infectious agents. They have no living characters except replication, Nuclic acid. They cause several diseases.
(2) Bacteria : these are smallest unicellular organisms. They show prokaryotic cellular organization. Ex : Eubacteria, Cynobacteria, Mycoplasmas, Rickettsiae and Chlamydiae
(3) Algae : these are plgmented, photosynthetic autotrophic micro organisms. Ex : Chylamydomonas, Spirogyra etc.
(4) Fungi : these are heterotrophic, non-green, eukarotic microorganisms. They posses a thick wall usually made up of polysaccharides (chitin). The body is made up of filaments called hyphae with forms into a mycelium. Ex : Pencillium, Puccinia, Mucor, Agaricus etc.
(5) Protozoa : These are commonly defined as unicellular, eukaryotic, non- photosynthetic microorganisms. Ex : Amoeba, Plasmodium, Paramecium.


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